Retail Market

The Essential Guide to Finding a Manufacturer to Make Your Product

Stepping into the world of invention is an exciting endeavor, but it's not without challenges. At Patents To Retail, we've spent over 25 years helping inventors like you navigate these hurdles, particularly when finding a manufacturer to bring your product to life.   The Journey: From Concept to Physical Product   Taking a concept from an ideation to a physical product requires a well-thought-out process. You must consider design specifics, material selection, production techniques, and, most importantly, choosing the...

Your Guide to Patenting Designs, Product Development, and Manufacturing in the USA

Embarking on the exciting journey of inventing a groundbreaking product can be an exhilarating experience filled with endless possibilities. However, it is essential to acknowledge that this path has its fair share of challenges. Numerous obstacles exist, from the initial spark of an idea to seeing your creation on store shelves. Patenting designs in the United States is one of the most significant hurdles to overcome. Protect your innovative concept with exclusive rights. This ensures...